Today’s NYT Strands Hints and Answers for September 12, 2024 (Game #193)

Today’s NYT Strands puzzle, Game #193, offers a challenge that focuses on pathways we traverse every day. The theme for today is all about different types of roads and paths. Let’s break down the hints and answers for today’s game and help you solve it step by step.

Theme Overview: “This Should Be Right Up Your Alley”

The theme for today’s NYT Strands puzzle revolves around public roads and pathways. So, expect to find words related to streets, highways, lanes, and more. The hint title itself, “This Should Be Right Up Your Alley,” gives you a clear clue: think about different types of roadways!

Hints for Today’s Puzzle:

To help guide you through the puzzle, here are some hints:

  • Hint #1: A narrow road or path, often found in residential areas. It starts with the letter “L.”
  • Hint #2: A larger road with multiple lanes, typically designed for long-distance travel.

Today’s Spangram: THOROUGHFARE

The spangram for today’s puzzle, which spans across the board, is THOROUGHFARE. This word captures the theme of the day, representing a major road or pathway. You can find this word running from the top to the bottom of the puzzle, right in the center.

Today’s Themed Words:

In addition to the spangram, here are the other words you need to find:

  • LANE
  • ROAD

Each word represents a different type of pathway or road, fitting perfectly with today’s theme.

Puzzle Reflection:

Today’s NYT Strands puzzle might seem tricky, especially with words like BOULEVARD and THOROUGHFARE that aren’t used in daily conversations as often. But once you crack the first few words, everything else will begin to fall into place. The spangram, THOROUGHFARE, ties it all together by encompassing the different types of roads featured in the puzzle.


As you finish today’s NYT Strands puzzle, take a moment to appreciate how cleverly everyday road types were woven into the game. Whether today’s challenge made you think hard or was easy for you, the satisfaction of solving it is what matters most. Check back tomorrow for another exciting theme and new words to discover!

Good luck, and keep solving!

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